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 SOzen Signature Integrative Massage

My signature massage service. With a strong belief that healing is multi-dimensional, and using a mind-body-spirit approach to wellness, each treatment is customized to the needs of the individual client. The SOzen Signature Integrative Massage is based on the premise that no part of  the body is independent of the whole body-system;  and as such, may require more than one style of bodywork  to meet the client’s needs and goals for the session.  Your Integrative Massage may consist of the following modalities:  Esalen, Swedish, Craniosacral Therapy, Neuromuscular, Trigger Point, Deep Tissue, Positional Release, Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation, Stretching, Thai, Range of Motion, Trager, Total Body Balancing.

60 minutes $75
75 minutes $85 *best value*
90 minutes $110
120 minutes $150

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